HomeWeight Loss Ke 11 Sunahare Mantr | वजन घटाने के 11 सुनहरे मंत्र | 11 Golden Mantras for Weight Loss | Hindi Ebook Pdf | Digital File | Download Now
Weight Loss Ke 11 Sunahare Mantr | वजन घटाने के 11 सुनहरे मंत्र | 11 Golden Mantras for Weight Loss | Hindi Ebook Pdf | Digital File | Download Now
Weight Loss Ke 11 Sunahare Mantr | वजन घटाने के 11 सुनहरे मंत्र | 11 Golden Mantras for Weight Loss | Hindi Ebook Pdf | Digital File | Download Now

Weight Loss Ke 11 Sunahare Mantr | वजन घटाने के 11 सुनहरे मंत्र | 11 Golden Mantras for Weight Loss | Hindi Ebook Pdf | Digital File | Download Now

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Ebook overview

Weight Loss Ke 11 Sunahare Mantr by #N/A Mahesh Dutt Sharma: Uncover 11 golden mantras for achieving weight loss and adopting a healthier lifestyle with this book by Mahesh Dutt Sharma. The book offers practical strategies, tips, and guidance for individuals seeking to manage their weight.

Key Aspects of the Book "Weight Loss Ke 11 Sunahare Mantr":

Practical Approach: Mahesh Dutt Sharma's book provides readers with 11 practical and achievable mantras that focus on healthy eating habits, physical activity, and holistic wellness.

Health and Wellness: The book emphasizes the importance of overall well-being and aims to guide readers towards sustainable weight management, emphasizing positive lifestyle changes.

Empowerment: "Weight Loss Ke 11 Sunahare Mantr" empowers individuals to take charge of their health journey by offering actionable tips and insights that can be incorporated into their daily routines.

Mahesh Dutt Sharma is an author specializing in health and wellness literature. With a focus on promoting healthy lifestyles, Sharma's work in Weight Loss Ke 11 Sunahare Mantr reflects his commitment to guiding individuals towards improved physical and mental well-being.

वजन और मोटापा घटाने के असरदार तरीके

Weight बढ़ने का विज्ञान बड़ा सीधा-साधा है. यदि आप खाने-पीने के रूप में जितनी Calories ले रहे हैं उतनी burn नहीं करेंगे तो आपका weight बढ़ना तय है. दरअसल बची हुई Calorie ही हमारे शरीर में fat के रूप में इकठ्ठा हो जाती है और हमारा वज़न बढ़ जाता है.

वज़न कम करने की प्रक्रिया शुरू करने से पहले आपको ये जानना चाहिए कि आपका present weight सही है या नहीं.

अब यदि आप Overweight या Obese हैं तो ही आपको अपना वज़न कम करने की ज़रुरत है. और यदि आपको इसकी ज़रुरत है तो आपको ये भी जाना चाहिए कि जिस इस्थिति में आप पहुंचे हैं उसकी वज़ह क्या है.

  • आज मोटापा एक महामारी की तरह फैल रहा है, लेकिन उसके साथ मोटापा कैसे कम किया जाए, इसको लेकर चिंताएँ भी बढ़ रही हैं।
  • मोटापा न केवल हमारे स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित करता है, बल्कि हमारा आकर्षण भी कम करता है।

Today obesity has become a chronic disease and a cause of concern for many to stay healthy. Not only does obesity affect our health but it also affects the way we look. The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than the amount of food intake. To achieve this one can either control the calorie intake levels or increase the body activity count so as to burn more calories. Once you understand this balance of food intake versus calorie burn, you will be able to keep a tab on your weight, regulate and set goals to stay ahead of the weight loss curve. If you are affected by obesity and want to get a grip on your health, give this book a listen to get some tips on not only how to lose weight but to also look good and stay healthy.


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